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The Shortage of Truck Drivers and How to Attract New Talent to the Industry

02/08/2023 00:48

The trucking industry is facing a major shortage of drivers and the consequences are being felt across the country. With current estimates suggesting that America is short of around 50,000 to 60,000 qualified drivers, it's essential for companies to attract new talent in order to fill this gap. With tight regulations and long hours, however, attracting new people can be difficult.

This article will discuss the reasons for the shortage and what steps employers can take to make their industry more attractive to potential employees. It will look at how pay, working conditions and lifestyle factors can bring more people into the field and how making changes could help secure a better future for trucking businesses nationwide. Furthermore, suggestions on how to create an effective recruitment process will also be examined in detail.

Problem 1: Driver Demographics

The shortage of truck drivers has been a growing concern for the transportation industry, as the demand for goods and services continues to increase. This problem is often attributed to an aging driver population, with many drivers retiring from the industry each year. However, understanding the underlying demographics of current drivers may also provide insight into how to attract new talent to the profession.

Driver demographics can be broken down into several categories including age, gender, and race/ethnicity. With older generations of drivers being replaced by younger ones, it is important to identify what characteristics today's drivers possess so that effective recruitment campaigns can be developed. Understanding these factors will help ensure that potential candidates have a positive outlook on trucking as a career choice and are properly equipped with necessary skills and knowledge required of professional drivers.

Problem 2: Low Pay, Long Hours

The shortage of truck drivers is becoming a growing problem in the industry, and one major contributing factor is low pay and long hours. The American Trucking Association estimates that the industry needs to hire around 60,000 new drivers annually to keep up with demand. Low wages are not helping attract potential applicants; according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a heavy-duty truck driver was just $44,250 per year in 2019. That wage does not even come close to matching what most other professions offer for comparable skill sets.

As if inadequate wages weren’t enough of an issue, many truckers often work long hours that are often grueling and can lead to exhaustion on the road. This is a major issue, as fatigued drivers can be considered just as dangerous to other motorists as drunk drivers. While trucking has long been a popular career option for many Americans, it is increasingly becoming more difficult to find qualified applicants. 

That's why most trucking companies find it more convenient and practical to be part of a Consortium/Third-Party Administrators (C/TPAs) like Labworks USA to manage all, or part, of an employer's DOT drug and alcohol testing program and other DOT or FMCSA compliance needs. We perform tasks as agreed to by the employer to assist in implementing the drug and alcohol testing program and to help keep the employer compliant with the DOT/FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Testing rules and regulations. We as a DOT Consortium can help you.

In fact, the number of truck drivers in the U.S. has fallen for seven years straight, according to the American Trucking Association. Unfortunately, it s not just a lack of qualified applicants that are plaguing the industry.

Solutions 1: Higher Pay, Better Benefits

The trucking industry is facing a shortage of qualified drivers, and this has led to concerns about how to attract new talent to the industry. With wages in many sectors rising and the cost of living increasing, it is becoming more difficult for companies in the trucking sector to compete when it comes to remuneration. However, there are two key solutions that could help make the industry more attractive: higher pay and better benefits.

On one hand, higher pay is essential if employers want to capture potential new entrants into the market. While some companies have already taken steps towards increasing driver salaries, more needs to be done across the board if we are going to make truck driving an appealing career option. Higher salaries could also help alleviate some of the pressures associated with long-distance hauls and tight deadlines by providing drivers with extra peace of mind over their financial security.

Part of the benefits should be the trucker employee’s experience being part of the company that he is part of. One of the best benefits you can offer them is that you are actively part of a DOT Consortium. An example is us, Labworks USA, that offers hassle free support when it comes on DOT Drug and Alcohol compliance and other safety compliance required by the FMCSA.

Here's a list of DOT Consortium services we offer at Labworks USA with respective rates that can be your reference to have better expense projections.

Solution 2: Attracting Younger Drivers

The trucking industry is facing a shortage of qualified drivers. With older generations of truckers retiring and fewer younger people joining the workforce, the pool of potential candidates is shrinking. To attract more young people to this important field, companies need to look at different solutions that can help draw in new talent.

One way to make the job more appealing is by offering competitive wages and benefits that match those offered by other industries. Additionally, providing training programs or apprenticeships for inexperienced drivers could be highly beneficial in increasing the number of younger people entering this profession. Companies should also consider implementing flexible schedules or remote opportunities for their staff to better accommodate for traditional college-aged students or workers with families who may not have enough time available for long-haul trips.

Solution 3: Improving Working Conditions

The trucking industry is one of the most important sectors in the United States economy. However, there is an alarming shortage of truck drivers causing a major disruption in goods being transported around the nation. To overcome this challenge, companies must focus on improving working conditions for their truck drivers to attract and retain new talent in the industry.

The American Trucking Association estimates that there will be a shortage of up to 175,000 drivers by 2024 if no action is taken. Companies need to make sure they consider their driver’s needs before recruiting new ones. Some ways to improve working conditions are offering competitive wages, providing quality benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans, reducing workloads, and increasing vacation time. Additionally, employers should invest in better equipment and technology that can help reduce fatigue from long days on the road.

Conclusion: Solve the Driver Shortage

In conclusion, the trucking industry is facing a driver shortage that has been caused by an aging workforce and declining wages. In order to attract new talent to the industry, more must be done to improve working conditions and increase wages. Additionally, it is important for the industry to create an environment that encourages diversity and fosters innovation. With these efforts in place, the trucking industry can attract more drivers and ultimately solve its driver shortage.

Making improvements in working conditions and increasing wages are key steps for attracting new drivers who will fill the void left by retiring workers in the trucking industry. Companies should also invest in recruiting programs that focus on getting young people interested in driving as a career option. Educational opportunities can help potential drivers learn about safety requirements, regulations, and other important aspects of life on the road.

Reach out to us today at Labworks USA and we will support you in improving the working conditions of your truckers. 

If you are looking for more information about drug and alcohol testing as a truck driver, visit LabWorks USA. Our DOT Consortium's friendly team will be more than happy to discuss any concerns you may have and work with you to ensure you are always fully compliant specially with random DOT drug and alcohol testing pre-employment testing. Moreover, if you need help with FMCSA Clearinghouse registration, we can further support you.

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