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Fuel Efficiency Tips for Trucks and Drivers In-Charge

05/18/2023 02:55

As a truck driver, fuel is one of your biggest expenses on the road. What is fuel efficiency and can you manage it? While you can't control the price of diesel or the cost of fuel, you can take steps to improve your vehicle's fuel efficiency. Moreover, you will save money in the long run. Not only will fuel-efficient driving practices help you cut costs, but they'll also reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. (1, 2)

That's why most trucking companies find it more convenient and practical to be part of a Consortium/Third-Party Administrators (C/TPAs) like Labworks USA to manage all, or part, of an employer's DOT drug and alcohol testing program and other DOT or FMCSA compliance needs. THIS SAVE THEM A LOT OF TIME AND RESOURCES that they can redirect on any unprecedented additional expenses. We perform tasks as agreed to by the employer to assist in implementing the drug and alcohol testing program and to help keep the employer compliant with the DOT/FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Testing rules and regulations. We as a DOT Consortium can help you.

In this article, we'll explore some practical tips for improving your truck's fuel efficiency. Yes, there are fuel-efficient trucks already being sold in the market by a lot of vehicle manufacturer. But what if, you still don't have the capacity to buy one? We will learn from simple maintenance tasks and smart driving techniques to innovative technologies and alternative fuels. There are many ways that fuel efficient truck drivers can further minimize their environmental impact. Then end result will still be maximizing their savings at the pump. So let's get started!

How Much or Often to Maintain Your Vehicle: Is Regular Maintenance and Inspection Makes Fuel Efficient?

Regular vehicle maintenance and inspection are essential for truck drivers to ensure their fuel efficiency. By keeping up with the routine maintenance of your truck, you can prevent costly breakdowns, reduce the risk of accidents, and achieve maximum fuel efficiency for trucks. Regular oil changes, tire rotations and replacements, brake inspections, and fluid level checks are some of the critical components that need regular monitoring.

Another crucial aspect is inspecting your air filter regularly to ensure it's clean. A clogged or dirty air filter can restrict airflow into the engine causing a drop impacting optimal fuel economy. Also, check your spark plugs as worn-out plugs can cause misfires which burn extra fuel leading to decreased gas mileage. A clogged fuel filter should also be on top of your list.

Overall, maintaining your vehicle through regular inspections goes beyond ensuring performance to get better fuel mileage. It has a direct effect on fuel economy too. It's better to invest in preventative maintenance than pay for expensive repairs down the line or increased fuel expenses caused by poor performance due to inadequate care.

Proper Driving Habits: Avoiding Speeding and Hard Acceleration

If you keep your truck at steady highway speeds, you will be able to save more. As a truck driver, it's essential to develop proper driving habits that can help you save fuel and money. One of the most important habits to cultivate is avoiding speeding and hard acceleration. These two behaviors not only increase fuel consumption but also pose a risk to your safety and other road users.

Speeding results in higher wind or air resistance, which means your truck will require more energy to maintain its speed. Can you now visualize how this affects fuel efficiency for trucks? This translates to increased fuel consumption and carbon emissions. Moreover, this will cause higher maintenance costs for your vehicle. On the other hand, hard acceleration puts unnecessary strain on your engine and transmission system, causing them to wear out faster than usual.

Do you know that if you hit above 55MPH, a 1 MPH increase in vehicle speed decreases fuel economy? It will be by 0.1 MPG. Remember that the deceleration technique is a great fuel-saving technique.

To avoid these negative effects on your truck's performance and efficiency, try adopting smoother driving techniques such as gradually accelerating from stops or using cruise control when possible. This way, you'll be able to lessen the load on your vehicle while still maintaining a safe speed on the road. Additionally, obeying posted speed limits helps prevent accidents caused by reckless driving habits like speeding or tailgating – keeping yourself and others safer while saving gas at the same time!

Speaking of accidents, do you know how often truck drivers get drug tested whenever they got into an accident? Moreover, do you know how expensive it is to go through post-accident drug testing? For sure it will affect your bottom line. Well, let's reserve that for another time but here is an art. Let's move on to the next tip.

Quick additional tip: Using the truck's air conditioner burns fuel. Be wise using it. Don't waste fuel.

Plan Your Route: Using GPS and Avoiding Traffic Congestion to Be Efficient

One of the most important factors in achieving fuel efficiency as a truck driver is to plan your route ahead of time. With today's advantage of technology, it's easier than ever to use GPS systems to map out your route and avoid traffic congestion. Trip planning has been easier now. By doing so, you can save a significant amount of time and reduce fuel consumption by avoiding idling in traffic. Efficient routes with better road conditions, and flatter terrains, could save you precious fuel.

Just try to imagine that you already have in mind what is the shorter route, or even the shortest route. Moreover, you'll know what are the locations with usual traffic jams or stop-start traffic.

Additionally, planning your route allows you to identify rest stops along the way where you can refuel or take a break. It's important to factor in these stops when planning your trip as they can have a significant impact on overall fuel efficiency. When choosing rest stops, look for those that offer amenities such as restaurants or convenience stores where you can purchase snacks and drinks without having to make additional stops.

Remember that fuel prices will continue to rise with numerous factors to consider so make it your practice to avoid areas that are known for having higher fuel prices. With that, always look up how much fuel prices are in the areas you'll be driving in.

Overall, taking the time to plan your route using GPS and avoiding traffic congestion is an essential component of achieving optimal fuel efficiency as a truck driver. Not only does it save time and reduce fuel consumption but it also helps minimize wear and tear on your vehicle, ultimately saving you money in maintenance costs over time.

Quick Tip: Here's a list of DOT Consortium services we offer at Labworks USA with respective rates that can be your reference to have better expense projections.

Monitor Your Truck Tire Pressure: Maintaining Adequate Inflation Levels

Proper tire inflation levels are extremely important for maintaining fuel efficiency in trucks. When tires are underinflated, they create more rolling resistance, which causes the engine to work harder and use more fuel. On the other hand, overinflated tires can lead to a rougher ride and increased wear on the tires.

To ensure that your truck's tires are properly inflated, it is crucial to monitor their pressure regularly. Most modern trucks have a tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) that alerts drivers when tire pressure is low or high. However, it is still important to manually check tire pressure with a gauge at least once a week.

In addition to improving fuel efficiency, maintaining proper tire inflation levels can also improve safety on the road. Underinflated tires can lead to blowouts and loss of control while driving, so taking the time to check your truck's tires can ultimately save lives as well as money on fuel costs.

Reduce Idle Time: Shutting Off the Engine When Not in Use

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to improve fuel efficiency for truck drivers is to reduce idle time. When a truck's engine is left running while not in use, it consumes a considerable amount of fuel. Turning off the engine during breaks or when parked can save gallons of diesel per day, which translates into significant savings on fuel costs.

Do you know that a heavy-duty truck burns around 0.8 gallons of fuel per hour while idling?

Truckers who idle at rest stops for extended periods of time contribute significantly to fuel consumption, with an estimated 1.1 billion gallons of fuel burned per year.

Modern trucks come equipped with features like automatic engine shutdown timers, which turn off the engine after a set period of idling time. However, this feature might not be available in all trucks or may need to be manually activated. Drivers should get familiar with their vehicle's idle settings and take steps to reduce them by turning off the engine whenever possible.

Reducing idle time also has environmental benefits as it decreases greenhouse gas emissions from exhaust fumes. It's an easy change that drivers can make that will benefit their wallets and the planet simultaneously. By being mindful of idling habits and making small adjustments where possible, drivers can help conserve resources and reduce fuel consumption without sacrificing performance or comfort.

Conclusion: Implementing These Tips to Save Money and Overall Fuel Efficiency of Your Trucks

In conclusion, implementing the fuel efficiency tips mentioned above can help truck drivers save a significant amount of money in the long run. By reducing idling time, maintaining proper tire pressure, and avoiding excessive speeding or aggressive driving, drivers can improve their fuel economy and reduce overall expenses. These are all must-learn tips if you want to flourish in the trucking industry. Remember that fuel consumes 20% of the operating costs for motor carriers. (3)

Another effective tip is to plan out routes that avoid heavy traffic congestion or hilly terrain, as these factors can increase fuel consumption. Additionally, regularly scheduled maintenance checks for the vehicle's engine and other components can also contribute to improved fuel efficiency.

Overall, by following these simple yet effective tips for improving fuel efficiency while on the road, truck drivers can save money on gas expenses and reduce their environmental impact. It is important to remember that small changes in driving habits and vehicle maintenance practices can have a significant impact on both finances and sustainability efforts.

If you need further support or ideas about how to maximize your savings as a truck driver, we at Labworks USA can help you save on DOT compliance. We support a lot of truck drivers, trucking companies, and other related jobs in the trucking industry. Talk to you soon.

Our DOT Consortium's friendly team will be more than happy to discuss any concerns you may have and work with you to ensure you are always fully compliant, especially with random DOT drug and alcohol testing and pre-employment testing. Moreover, if you need help with FMCSA Clearinghouse registration, we can further support you.



1. Alternative Fuels Data Center, Government data, retrieved from https://afdc.energy.gov/data/10308

2. U.S Energy Information Administration, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update, retrieved from https://www.eia.gov/todayineergy/detail.php

3. Adam Rowe, How to Improve Fuel Economy in a Truck, retrieved from https://tech.co/fleet-management/truck-fuel-economy

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