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California Senate Votes to Prohibit Driverless Trucks on State Roads

09/28/2023 23:08

The driverless or self-driving truck technology has been one of the most innovative and transformative advancements in the automotive industry in recent years. However, the benefits of this technology have been counterbalanced by concerns about the safety of autonomous vehicles on our roads. This debate has recently taken center stage in California, where the state senate has voted to prohibit driverless trucks on state roads.

The decision comes amid growing concerns about the safety of autonomous trucks, which are already being tested on public roads in the state. While some argue that the adoption of autonomous trucks would lead to increased efficiency and lower transportation costs, others warn of the potential risks to human lives and the economy.

This blog post will explore the California Senate's decision to vote to ban driverless trucks.

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Bill has now advanced to the next stage of the process which involves the signature of the governor

The California Senate has recently voted to prohibit the use of heavy-duty driverless trucks on state highways. The bill, known as Assembly Bill 316, has already been passed by the state assembly with a vote of 69-4 in May, and was approved by the Senate with a vote of 36-2 just this Monday. If signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, the bill would require autonomous trucks weighing over 10,001 pounds to have safety drivers in the cab.

Additionally, the bill includes provisions that allow legislators to take on the roles of state agencies such as the California Highway Patrol and the Department of Motor Vehicles. The Governor has yet to make a decision on whether to sign or veto the bill, and this decision may be influenced by his support for technology and labor unions.

Legislation is being proposed that seeks to restrict the operation of autonomous trucks with a gross weight exceeding 10,001 pounds.

Autonomous testing of heavy-duty trucks weighing over 10,001 pounds is currently taking place in Texas and New Mexico, with approval granted in more than 20 other states.

However, the recent passing of AB 316 in the California Senate has caused concern for the Autonomous Vehicle Industry Association (AVIA), with executive director Jeff Farrah stating that the bill undermines regulatory oversight in California.

Farrah has urged Governor Newsom to veto AB 316 to allow for expert evaluation of autonomous trucking technology, ensuring that California can fully benefit from this rapidly evolving technology.

Numerous vital shipping passages intersect within the state of California, making it a crucial hub for transportation and logistics in the United States.

Numerous autonomous trucking startups, alongside Waymo and Cruise, pioneers in autonomous ride-hailing, are based in California. The state boasts two significant freight routes, Interstates 10 and 5, which run from west to east and north to south, respectively.

The Teamsters, a labor union supporting Governor Newsom, are urging him to sign a bill. The group plans to hold rallies in Sacramento and Los Angeles next Tuesday. They point to a survey indicating that three out of four Californians support a ban on autonomous trucks. Such a sentiment aligns with the widespread apprehension about self-driving vehicles, which many individuals claim to fear.

Following the Senate vote on Monday, Teamsters General President Sean M. O'Brien issued a news release urging Governor Newsom to demonstrate his commitment to workers by signing AB 316. This bill is seen as critical to ensuring the safety and protection of workers, especially during the pandemic, and its passage is paramount to safeguarding the well-being of those who have been on the front lines of keeping the economy running. Despite Governor Newsom's public expressions of gratitude for the truck drivers' sacrifices, it is essential that he takes concrete steps to support and protect the workers who have been instrumental in sustaining the economy during these challenging times.

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The Recent Bill's Effect on Hundreds of Thousands Truck Drivers Jobs

The topic of safe technology is being discussed with regard to a recent bill that could potentially affect hundreds of thousands of truck driver. Is job security really at risk due to this autonomous technology related to driverless vehicles? 

If the bill is vetoed, labor unions argue that it could lead to a loss of jobs and pose a threat to public safety due to the untested nature of robot-driven trucks. 

The driverless trucking, self-driving vehicle space or self driving, heavy-duty vehicles space still has a long journey.

However, the AVIA counters this argument by citing major studies and 44 million miles of autonomous trucking with virtually no crashes or truck crash fatalities.

Does it validate the full removal of safety drivers?

Does the increased safety benefits of autonomous trucks FOR NOW worth the risk for future safety? 

Public safety officials should make sure to monitor this trend and must avoid oversight of expert regulators.

Road safety will always cost billions of dollars to monitor as safety experts suggested as it requires a regulatory framework.

They suggest that any lost jobs in over-the-road trucking could be replaced by less stressful work in and around autonomous hubs where human drivers would still be in control. It remains to be seen what decision Gov. Newsom will make regarding this bill and its potential impact on the trucking industry.

In Conclusion

The California Senate's vote to prohibit driverless trucks on state roads raises important questions about the balance between safety concerns, human safety driver, and innovation.

Autonomous truck companies and the entire autonomous trucking industry should be aware of every effect of this on truck driver jobs

While some argue that autonomous trucks could reduce the number of accidents caused by human error, others argue that the technology is not yet advanced enough to ensure the safety of other drivers and pedestrians.

It remains to be seen how this debate will play out in California and other states, but it underscores the need for careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits of emerging technologies.

Ultimately, the goal of trucking companies or trucking sector should be to strike a balance between innovation and safety. The should ensure that new technologies are developed and deployed in a responsible and effective manner while keeping an expert trucking workforce.

Conducting safety initiative for the biggest challenges on safety issue should never be taken for granted. 

If you want to stay updated with a wide range of trends, actionable insights, and innovative solutions in the trucking, freight, and logistics industry, stay connected to us.

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