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Analyzing the Current State of the Trucking Market Through Deeper Look into the Limbo

10/23/2023 17:03

The trucking industry serves as the backbone of the global economy, responsible for the transportation of goods and products to consumers and businesses alike. However, in recent years, the trucking market has been facing a state of uncertainty and instability, with many industry experts referring to it as being in a state of "limbo".

This term is used to describe the current state of the trucking market, where it is caught between challenges and opportunities, struggling to find its footing amidst the ever-changing landscape of technology, regulations, and consumer demands.

In this article, we will delve deeper into the trucking market and analyze its current state, shedding light on the factors contributing to the limbo and the potential implications for the industry as a whole.

Through a comprehensive examination of the market, we aim to provide a better understanding of the challenges faced by the trucking industry and the potential opportunities that lie ahead. As we navigate through this complex and dynamic market, it is crucial to gain a deeper insight into its current state in order to make informed decisions and strategies for the future.

So, let's take a closer look at the trucking market and its limbo state.

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Survey of Shippers in the Third Quarter

According to a recent survey of shippers in the third quarter, the freight industry finds itself in a state of uncertainty.

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While excess inventories have been largely depleted, there is still no immediate need to replenish stocks. The survey, conducted by Morgan Stanley, revealed that shippers have a slightly less positive outlook on the overall economy, scoring a 4.9 on a scale of 7.7 being the highest and 4.2 being the lowest. However, retail shippers reported a more optimistic view, with a score of 6, indicating a slightly positive sentiment.

The survey sample includes a small portion of true retail shippers accounting for only 2%, while the food and beverage sectors make up 14%. Third-party logistics providers (3PLs) contribute to one-third of the responses, with the majority of the remaining responses coming from industrial markets.

Inventories continue to decrease across the board, and the report suggests that the net balance between inventory and ordering is nearing equilibrium. The survey found that 55% of shippers plan to maintain their current inventory levels, marking an all-time high, while 41% intend to reduce their inventories. Alarmingly, only 5% of shippers expressed a desire to increase their stock levels, which poses a challenge for carriers.

Despite a slight improvement in the survey results compared to the previous quarter, with 60% of respondents planning to maintain or increase inventories (compared to 52% previously), a significant 64% do not anticipate inventory levels to normalize until next year. Among those surveyed, a slim majority expects this normalization to occur in the second half of the year. Interestingly, one-third of respondents claimed that their inventories have already normalized or will do so before the end of 2023.

The Logistics Managers' Index, a separate survey of supply chain executives, echoed the findings of declining inventory levels. September marked the fifth consecutive month of inventory contraction, with a reading of 47.4, indicating a 24.5 percentage point decrease compared to the same period last year. This reading remains below the neutral level of 50.

Analyst Ravi Shanker from Morgan Stanley commented on the survey results, noting that shippers seem hesitant to restock despite the improving inventory situation. Various factors may be contributing to this cautious approach, such as uncertainty surrounding consumer spending, interest rates, and the upcoming fiscal year or new budgets.

Regarding transportation capacity, the survey indicated a further loosening in all modes except for less-than-truckload (LTL) and truckload. Respondents projected a tightening of LTL capacity in the next six months, with a balanced rating of 5 compared to 4.5 in the previous quarter. This change can be attributed to the exit of Yellow, which has increased shipments across most LTL carrier networks.

Public carriers reported positive sequential growth in shipments during the first two months of the third quarter. Saia saw the largest year-over-year increase, with shipments up by 14% in August following a 6% increase in July. XPO reported increases of 9% and 8% for the respective months, while ArcBest noted a 20% increase in shipments at core accounts.

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Truckload Capacity Expectations

According to the survey findings and a lot of advance notice/advanced notice, truckload capacity expectations have increased from 4.1 to 4.3, suggesting a positive trend. However, it is important to note that this rating still falls within the "abundant" category on the 1-to-10 scale.

Interestingly, the survey also revealed that less-than-truckload (LTL) expectations did not significantly outperform truckload (TL) expectations. This implies that the YELL exit may not have as significant an impact on the overall trucking industry as initially anticipated. Additionally, it suggests that TL may benefit indirectly from this development.

Another survey conducted by Morgan Stanley focused on peak season expectations. The results showed that 69% of carriers and brokers expect a decrease in activity compared to the previous year. In fact, a staggering 94% of carriers and brokers believe that the peak season in 2023 will be similar to or worse than the previous year. In contrast, 61% of shippers expect this year's peak season to be at the same level or even better than in 2022.

This slight discrepancy in expectations between shippers and carriers/brokers could potentially result in a peak season that exceeds current forecasts for carriers and brokers. It seems that shippers are willing to increase their order levels for the upcoming holiday season, leading to a more favorable outlook.

One possible reason for this delay in shippers' actions is the current abundance of transportation capacity. Unlike previous years, when capacity commitments needed to be secured early in the season, shippers may be waiting for more evidence of consumer buying intentions before moving goods. Furthermore, supply chain managers may still remember the mistakes made in overordering merchandise last year, which resulted in excessive stock levels.

Despite the waiting game being played by shippers, there is some optimism for carriers, albeit potentially later than anticipated. As shippers continue to wait for an inflection point, the pressure to restock will continue to mount. This suggests that carriers may experience increased demand for their services in the near future.

In Conclusion

The trucking industry is a vital part of our economy and continues to experience rapid growth as consumer demand increases. By taking a deeper look into the limbo and other action items, we can see the various factors and challenges that are currently impacting the market. From driver shortages to supply chain disruptions, it is clear that the trucking industry is facing significant obstacles.

However, with companies and industry leaders working together to find solutions, we can hope to see a more stable and sustainable future for the trucking market. It is important to stay informed and adaptable in order to navigate these changes and continue to thrive in this essential industry.

If you want to stay updated with a wide range of trends, actionable insights, and innovative solutions in the trucking, freight, and logistics industry, stay connected to us.

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