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A Step-by-Step Guide to Hair Follicle Drug Testing for Truckers

11/21/2023 19:55

In today's world, trucking has become an essential transportation industry, playing a crucial role in the transportation of goods across the country. With thousands of commercial drivers or truck drivers on the roads every day, the workplace safety of our highways and the well-being of millions of individuals depend on their ability to stay alert and focused behind the wheel to avoid workplace accidents.

However, use of drugs among truckers poses a potential risks or a significant threat to this responsibility. To ensure the safety of everyone on the roads, many trucking companies have turned to many types of drug tests especially the hair drug testing program or the hair follicle drug testing as a more reliable and accurate method for detecting drug use.

Unlike traditional urine tests, hair follicle testing can detect drug use for a more extended period, making it a preferred choice for employers. But for truckers, facing this type of drug test can be a daunting and confusing process.

That's why we have created this step-by-step guide, providing truckers with all the necessary information they need to know about hair follicle drug testing.

From what it is, how it works, and what to expect during the hair testing process, this guide aims to equip truckers with the knowledge to navigate through this crucial aspect of their job.

Do you want to focus more on your daily operations? It is convenient and practical to be part of a Consortium/Third-Party Administrators (C/TPAs) like Labworks USA to manage all, or part, of an employer's DOT drug and alcohol testing program and other DOT or FMCSA compliance needs. THIS WILL YOU A LOT OF TIME AND RESOURCES that you can redirect on any unprecedented additional expenses. We perform tasks as agreed to by the employer to assist in implementing the drug and alcohol testing program and to help keep the employer compliant with the DOT/FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Testing rules and regulations.
We as a DOT Consortium can help you.

Understanding the Mechanics of Hair Follicle Drug Testing

Hair follicle drug testing is a straightforward process that can provide valuable insights. To conduct this test, a sample of hair is carefully obtained and analyzed by a specialized laboratory. Through meticulous examination, the laboratory is able to determine whether you have recently used drugs.

But you may wonder, how is it possible for drugs to be detected in your body hair?

The reason lies in the way drugs affect your body. When you consume drugs, the various chemicals present in their composition are metabolized in your bloodstream. As these chemicals circulate throughout your entire system, they can become incorporated into the very structure of your strands of hair through the bloodstream.

Consequently, during a hair drug test, any substances that might be present in your hair sample can be identified and analyzed. This interactive process sheds light on potential drug residue and provides crucial information for various purposes.

How Much Hair Is Needed For A Hair Drug Test?

Rest assured, there is no need for concern about losing your hair when undergoing a hair follicle drug test. In fact, only a minuscule amount of hair is required for this particular type of test. To conduct the analysis, a laboratory merely needs approximately 100 milligrams of hair, which is equivalent to around 90 to 120 individual hair strands.

What Drugs Can Be Found In Your Hair?

Hair follicle drug testing is a comprehensive method that enables the detection of various commonly abused drugs and substances:

  • Cocaine: This powerful stimulant drug is commonly abused and can have severe health consequences.
  • Marijuana: The most commonly used illicit substances or illicit drug, marijuana, is screened for its active component, THC, which can impair cognitive function and have adverse effects on overall well-being.
  • Amphetamines: This category includes drugs like methamphetamine and MDMA, which are potent stimulants that can lead to addiction and have harmful effects on mental and physical health.
  • Phencyclidine (PCP): PCP is a hallucinogenic drug that can cause severe psychological effects and pose a considerable risk to users.
  • Opiates: This class of drugs includes substances such as heroin, codeine, and morphine, which are highly addictive and can have devastating consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

Quick Tip: Here's a list of
DOT Consortium services we offer at Labworks USA with respective rates that can be your reference to have better expense projections.

How Do Hair Follicle Tests Compare To Others?

It is common knowledge that drug testing methods extend beyond hair follicle analysis. However, it is worth noting that hair drug tests have proven to be remarkably effective. In comparison to commonly used urine testing, hair tests have a significantly longer window of detection.

Specifically, hair follicle drug tests can identify drug usage up to 90 days after ingestion, whereas urine tests generally only detect drugs within a week of consumption.

These methods are utilized to accurately identify the presence of drugs and alcohol within the workplace.

In Conclusion

Hair follicle drug testing is an important aspect of trucking regulations and can have serious consequences for commercial drivers or truck drivers who test positive for drugs. It is important for truckers to understand the process and be aware of any potential substances that may cause a positive drug result.

By following this step-by-step guide and staying informed about random drug testing regulations, truckers can ensure their safety and the safety of others while on the road. Ultimately, drug testing serves to promote a drug-free working environment and maintain the integrity of the trucking industry.

If you want to stay updated with a wide range of trends, actionable insights, and innovative solutions in the trucking, freight, and logistics industry, stay connected to us.

Moreover, are you looking for a company to help you to stay DOT and FMCSA compliant? We at Labworks USA can support you.


If you are looking for more information about drug and alcohol testing as a truck driver, visit
LabWorks USA. Our DOT Consortium's friendly team will be more than happy to discuss any concerns you may have and work with you to ensure you are always fully compliant specially with random DOT drug and alcohol testing pre-employment testing. Moreover, if you need help with FMCSA Clearinghouse registration, we can further support you.

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